Experience your first flightwith our friendly instructors.
You will familiarize yourself
with the basics of flying a
high-performance aircraft.
With your private pilot’s certificate you’ll be certified to fly a small aircraft with passengers in visual flight conditions without an instructor’s supervision. You may NOT be paid as a pilot for hire with this particular license.
Cirrus SR20 – $425/hour (wet)
Instruction – $75/hour
Budget approximately $21,000 – $30,000 to obtain your Private Pilot certificate via the Cirrus SR20.
✓ Obtaining and interpreting a weather briefing
✓ Preflighting and postflighting the aircraft
✓ Airport operations, taxi, and radio procedures
✓ Takeoff, straight and level, climbs, descents, and turns
✓ Slow flight and turns
✓ Approach stalls and departure stalls
✓ Steep turns – 45 degree bank
✓ Ground Reference Maneuvers
✓ Following a road, turns about a point, s-turns over a road and rectangular patterns
✓ Pattern entries and go-arounds
✓ Instrument flying and Unusual attitudes
✓ Landings
✓ Emergency procedures
✓ Cross country planning and flying
✓ Solo landings
✓ Solo Cross country flight
✓ Diversions
✓ Night Flying
✓ Advanced landings and takeoffs – Short field and Soft field
✓ Checkride review
Interested in one of our training programs? Use the form below and one of our Training Advisors will contact you to answer any of your questions.